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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our Mission, Our Passion in any language the same

“Les passions sont les seuls orateurs qui persuadent toujours. Elles sont comme
un art de la nature dont les règles sont infaillibles; et l'homme le plus simple qui
a de la passion persuade mieux que le plus éloquent qui n'en a point.”

The passions are the only advocates which always persuade. They are a natural art, the rules of which are infallible; and the simplest man with passion will be more persuasive than the most eloquent without. –~~ François de La Rochefoucauld

Love know no boundaries, neither does should be available to all who want and need it. Whether you are a professional educator or a lay person, this education is available to you, free. Because that is what we do, share our mission and passion with all, 4 all!

Leslie Block RN
Injury Prevention Specialist

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